Wednesday, April 27, 2011

in fact

1, whether the end of the globe, you can merely retention one beast, you will retention Which of the emulating?
A sheep, rabbit b c d horse 2 deer. In Africa, land travel, you visit a clan, tribal chairmen insist that you choose an animal to take family as souvenirs, which one would you?
a snake monkey b c d lion giraffe
3. you do something wrong, God penalize you convert a person other than an animal, you Which of the following to convert an animal?
a cat, dog b c d nag snake 4. If you have the ability apt make some animals disappear,toronto escort, which one would you prefer?
a lion crocodile b c d shark snake
5. One day, you sprint into an a talking animal, you want that kind of animal?
a sheep, rabbit b c d birds, horses 6. aboard a desert island, you only Select an animal can stay with you, would you choose:
a cow dog b c d birds, pigs 7. If you have the ability to tame always the animals, which animal would you choose it as a pet?
a polar bear dinosaur b c d White Tiger Leopard 8. If you have 5 minutes to when an animal, you will choose to be:
a lion cat b c d Ma pigeon
answer is:
These topics tell you what?
1. you will be in real life, what types of people attracted to:
a rabbit - a split personality, looks like ice and peppery inside the human.
b sheep - emphasis on compliance and lukewarm people.
c deer - aesthetic and polite folk.
d Ma - who yearn for freedom unfettered.
2. Which manner courtship maximum threaten to make you feel can not help:
a monkey - a inspired, never let you feel bored.
b Lion - Zhilaizhiwang instantly tell you he loves you.
c Snake - mood swing, hot and chilly, roaming.
d giraffe - persistence, as you not give up.
3. What kind of lover you ambition to give the impression that:
a dog - trustworthy faithful, never change.
b cat - a personality.
c horse - optimistic.
d snake - can settlement.
4. you dislike identity, which 1 will make you destroy up with your lover:
a lion - adore your arrogance, acting like a dictator, make you very angry.
b Snake - feelingful, too moody, and you do not know how to please him.
c crocodile - a cold-blooded and ruthless people love satire.
d Sharks - dangerous jail *.
5. You want to build what you love kind of relationship:
a sheep - if you either Needless to say, hard to communicate, the additional celebration will know what you want.
b horse - you two can talk about anything, not secrets.
c Rabbit - - a access you have been capable to feel the tenderness and love relationships.
d birds - not just care about you and your wife are also cared about the future, one you can grow with it long-term relationship.
6. you would have an happening you:
a dog - you with consideration to social ethics, marriage, you will not make such a fault.
b pig - you can not withstand the desire, is promising to be deviant.
c cow - you will not be lively,toronto escorts, will not refuse, yet you will attempt quite hard not to do so.
d birds - you never muscular enough, in fact, you are not suitable for marriage, and you do not want make commitments.
7. You think of marriage:
a dinosaur - you are very negative, you do not have heat in the presence of merry marriage.
b White Tiger - Do you think marriage is a very expensive object, once married, you will treasure marriage and your associate.
c polar bear - you terrified of marriage, do you think marriage will take away your emancipation.
d leopard - you always want to obtain married, But in fact, you do not even know what wedding in the end.
8. Now you think of love:
a lion - you're always longing for love,particularly the project group by the end of 2 weeks intensive project work, can do everything for love, but you will not easily fall in love.
b cat - you are very self-centered, that love can lightly get to you and give up something.
c horse - you do not want to be a nailed relationship among the tie, you just everywhere want to flirt.
d pigeon - you calculate that love namely the two mutual commitment

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