Wednesday, April 27, 2011

flies singer

VII. Flies mean much
thousand years BC, Canaanite gods fly once, that the Ming Jiaoba coerce (Baal) of flies that God is sovereign of the gods in charge of fertility and harvest. Greek mythology in flies this is a beauteous girl, along falling in love with Luna's sweetheart, and also love to sing, talk, be punished as Luna flies. Later, fly to the .1912 nought better life in a U.S. Federal Government leaflet issued along the Enlightenment, he said,toronto escorts, commemorate meaningful historical accidents and landmark accomplishment, but only Norway, out of a number of small stamps, one of them was really a fly swatter. is that a very old, the top half of the soft leather to slap flies. Perhaps this fly swatter behavior in the disposal of independent Norway has outstanding service bar!
With the progress of human society, the times flies, it appeared favor fate turned the edge, striking up. to fly, stamps. one of which is the fly (the other three is the sleet, blood cells and micro-chip). well spy flies, flies arms, the robot flies, flies, *** *** flies, flies cancer, flies script , flies, science fiction, etc.; in our country there are flies sites, flies the farm, flies bottom, fly factory, flies the enterprise, raising flies experts, flies the band, flies singer, flies scrapbook, flies essay, flies forensic, flies revelation, fly brandy, flies vaccines, edible flies, flies health care products, cosmetics, flies, flies feed, fly bait, fly sequence,Photo exposure, the evil flies and other agreeable works. flies into the body is the small Feast of the ranks into human foods. myiasis in engineering the production of staple food as the cardinal raw matters of cake, biscuits, noodles, snacks and other health food, but too almost the momentous pillars of human personality of the protein show off debut. actually absolutely did not expect human, the dominate species above earth, he did fly to rely on what tiny nutritional himself.
fly Drosophila century a small kin of flies, do not see it micro body, less than 3 mm in width, contributions can be massive! many types of fruit fly, almost 2 000 species, of which Drosophila melanogaster (Drosophila melanogaster), simply can be said that the ranks of the King of fruit flies, days afterward the class star. Since 1904 Morgan has been elected as the tentative material of Drosophila,toronto escorts, Drosophila genetics has been the object of study, has seasoned a century of brilliant research profession, has not changed. allows scientists to esteem and love because it, praise it generation, is the most appropriate experimental animal genetics. As far as the research object in mandate to fly issued in the technological literature not fewer than 100,000, extra than whichever other animal. such a crowd of of literature in promoting the human into the of the 21st century, rmm fly You can find 2 / 3 of the human disease genes, sick of Drosophila will seem similar to human disease. so scientists like to use fruit flies to study various issues narrated with people, such as developmental failings, alcoholism, aging, time inconsistency, memories, nap, life, cancer, drug addiction, Alzheimer's, making choices and so on. small fruit flies, as scientists reveal the mysteries of one of the ways of life, until now, but also the progress frequently.
it is hard to dream, the appearance of fruit flies and human very another, but characteristic to individual nerve cells, but accurate the same and human; 60% of Drosophila genes with humans the same or alike; and has a similar preparation of DNA.
flies, how will There are 600 million in the evolutionary breach among humans in such close contact?
IX. flies is no how sick do not obtain sick
patent human l r, numerous creatures are sick, otherwise, how would there be veterinarians, fondle hospitals it. fish fish ailment, shrimp with shrimp ailment. animals will get sick; vegetation will get sick, plants alternatively even longer tumor. even the same house with the flies and bees are sick of the silkworm. but never detected flies sick. Now the globe , increasing pollution, including our people biology, including many every day experiencing assorted fashions of pollution in the aggression and keep alley of. But numerous varieties of flies are alive in the maximum sordid, most dirty, bacteria complex environment, merely to , as long as ten thousandth of the concentration, tin annihilate many kinds of bacteria in the people body. The finding that therapeutic experts approximately the world thrilled. The experts anticipate that if human creatures are constantly added peptides, life can be extended apt 160 annuals. According to the information reported that the British Royal Society of Medicine has been the favored antimicrobial peptides as anti-cancer products; the United Nations Committee of Experts identified peptides Green will have a mysterious shock human health.
Song author Su Shi had the poem at the molecular level to adjust to environmental changes, how it will be sick then!

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