Wednesday, April 27, 2011

can the sun Set more apt improve this efficacy via barriers

2009 Heilongjiang line number of the first part measured between Zhenti

(a total of 20 questions, reference time 20 minutes)
This section includes two types of questions:
First, mathematical reasoning: A total of 5 questions, give you a array, yet the lack of one, ask you to cautiously scrutinize the combination of the sequence, and four selected the alternative to select the most appropriate one do you think, to fill entry to conform to distant alignment of the sequence.
Example 1 3 5 7 9 ()
A. 7 B. 8 C. 11 D. not given
Answer: The correct answer is 11, the aboriginal series is a series of mysterious number. So amuse start to be elected C
1,1 / 2 3 / 5 8 / 13 ()
A. 13/16 B. 16/21 C. 20/31 D. 21 / 34
2,14 24 12 0 ()
A. 2 B. -5 C. 3 D. -3
3,274 113 48 17 ()
A. 9 B. 11 C . 14 D. 15
4,1 / 36 1 / 5 1 3 4 ()
A. 8 B. 6 C. 5 D. 1
7 < br> 7
A. 5 B. 17 C . 19 D. 47
II Math: A aggregate of 15 questions. In this part of the answers in each item presented a digital representation of the characters, inquire you to rapidly and accurately enumerate the answer.
Example: 84.78 yuan, 59.50 yuan, 121.61 yuan, 12.43 yuan and 66.50 yuan in total is:
A. 343.73 B. 343.83 C. 344.73 D. 344.82
Answer: The correct answer is D. As long as the last one you really decimal add, they would ascertain and the last numeral is 2, only the D to meet the requirements. This means that you should use our heads come up with a shortcut to solving problems.
Please start the answer:
6, (100 +99) (100-99) + (99 +98) (99-98) + (98 +97) (98-97) + h + (2 +1) (2-1) amount is:
A . 10100 B. 9999 C. 10000 D. 5050
7, A, B, C three automobiles an hour were 60 km, 50 km and 40 km, from A to A, B and C simultaneously beginning from B meet each additional half the path behind a 15-minute meet encountered B C, Q A, B either the digit of kilometers individually?
A. 150 公里 B. 250 公里 C.275 D. 325 公里
8 km have A, B two cylindrical glass fraught with water, within the radius of the glass is 5 cm, 8 cm, had a cup put a piece of steel, when removing the iron when the water level dripped a cup 3 cm, and then this chip of iron into the B cup. At this time the water class rose B cup how many centimeters?
A. 4 厘米 B. 1 厘米 C. 0.5 厘米 D. 0 厘米
9 . A and B both start from the two meet each other halfway,toronto escort, they met after the shake. As a way onward the road 70%, the B end of the path just 2 / 3, then 220 meters away from the two , asked how many meters away from the two places?
A. 330 B. 600 米 米 米 C. 800 D. 1200 m 10, 40 cars, of which 30% are trucks, the rest is the car. If there is 1 / 4 car is a cab and asked the cab cars are not A few?
A. 7 B. 12 C. 18 D. 21
11,22007 +32008 +42009 in the unattached digits is the number?
A. 1 B. 3 C. 7 D. 9
12, a barrel of pesticide, whether a certain measure of water dilution, the concentration of 15%; then increase the same amount of water reduced into 12% of the concentration of pesticides, If the third time then add the same amount of water, pesticide concentrations will become much?
A. 8% B. 10% C. 11% D. 13%
13, the three-and four jugs of the same safflower The same flower kettles placed in a row, requiring three pots of red flowers contiguous each other, how many different ways?
A. 8 B. 10 C. 15 D. 20
14, was bought by 60 a sheep on, he sold the price of 70 yuan; Then he bought with a price of 80 yuan back on, he sold for 90 yuan to work in the sheep trade, he acquisitions and losses is:
A. disburse the equilibrium 10 per B. D. C. made a profit of 10 yuan 20 yuan 15, bought a 3 pen, 7 pens and a pencil spent a total of 32 yuan, B bought 4 support the same pen, 10 pen and a pencil spent a total of 43 yuan, if the same pen, pellet pen, pencil each bought one, shared how many money?
A. 10 B. 11 元 元 C. 17 Yuan D. 21 元 16, a collector has just sold the one from the call to acquire a 10% profit, but if he is into the lowest with 10% more than the original buy price, and to earn 20% profit Price to sell, he would earn less then 25 yuan, will sell this phone how much?
A. 1250 元 元 B. 1375 C. 1550 D. 1665 元 17 元,beijing escort, a go to do to be a separate 18 hours to complete, take 24 hours to complete B, C to 30 hours to complete. is by A, B, C array to do shift, each working an hour shift. asked when the work is completed, B made a total of more than for a long time?
A. 7 小时 B. 7 hours and 58 minutes C. 8 小时 D. 9 hours 10 minutes 18 small muscular math test the first three average is 88 points, to average 90 points alternatively more, at fewest his fourth test etc., how?
A. 98 minutes B. 92 minutes C.94 D. 96 points and 19 points, a building has 8 floors, divided into four elements, each first layer and the eighth floor of the living two,toronto escorts, the first ground to the seventh layer of the
live three, this building can live a total number of families?
A. 88 B. 90 C. 94 D. 96
20, understood to 8 yuan per kilogram of salad fuel, salad fuel barrel, weighing 5.5 kg with a barrel of oil is half spent, even the barrel also weighs 3 kg, asking how many million barrels of oil worth?
A. 20 Yuan B. 30 C. 40 元 元 RMB
D.44 language knowing and wording of the second part of
(a total of 40 questions, reference time 30 minutes)
This section includes two types of questions:
First, the reading comprehension: 20 questions, each question contains a paragraph or a sentence, followed by an lacking statement, asking you to select one from four options to complete the statement. Note: The answer may be completed by main idea of ​​the feed to the text, it may be to meet the other requirements statements, your alternative should be the most loyal with the feed.
example: the prologue of new railway line or road building often have to spend as little as possible requirements and the new line of trade and transport as much as possible a concession between the requirements.
passage primary support such a melee that the new railway line:
A. should be a minimum cost of the line < br> B. The selection determines the place of the current commerce center
C. judged to converge on whether the shortest distance between the
D. not always the route with the lowest construction costs
answer: scrupulous learn four options, option A and the caption can be found in the The correct answer is D
Please start the answer:
21, the Federal Reserve to solve the problem of insufficient amount of U.S. savings and maintain operation of the U.S. economy, the U.S. dollar as international reserve currency using the special status of a large number of issued U.S. dollars. the United States by this method to invest in and maintain high standard of living, but caused a international flood of liquidity. U.S. dollar issue of undue lead, the detriment of depreciation of U.S. dollars held by all countries to bear. and then come back stronger dollar, losses on the realization of the shift.'s sagacity that the United States, the United States this practice will not only impair their victims in the world.
this text summary of the most appropriate one is:
A. Federal Reserve in order to maintain operation of the U.S. economy and massive loosen a large number of issued U.S.
B. U.S. Federal Reserve amounts ambition guide to USD depreciation of the USD
C. excessive liquidity issue will cause flooding, affecting the world economy to increase U.S. distribution
D. dollar amount to maintain the special status of international keep currency
22, China's traditional culture emphasizes the collective, refused to officially acknowledge the subjectivity of the individual. Reiji orthodox social order, in pith, advocated the abolition of personality, subjectivity, denies the interests of personal independence , the individual only in accordance with definite carried out since the 80 century, fatigue and workers system reform is to attain one of the important results, but also the evolution and progress of our society is an important sign that he manner to increase individual emancipation and social structure changes. of this text summarizes the most appropriate one is:
A. emphasis on collective, refused to subject the individual sex is an important symbol of China's traditional culture
B. labor and personnel system reform is economy reform and social progress in China is an important character
C. an important arrow of
D. from lower than the proportion of secondary and tertiary industries, but for an agricultural population accounts for 80% of the population is a large developing country, without food instability. no comprehensive well-off farmers and high levels of well-off will become a strategic goal of passive water, without trees. agriculture and rural economic development, is related to the overall position of reform and opening up, in this fundamental issue is not only considered the contribution rate of an account GDP, but also to calculate the overall situation of reform, development and stability of this large account.
the contents of this text is highlighted:
A. B. elementary rank of farming in rural economic development
C. D. quality of life of farmers in rural social stability
24, news reports not only each factor are in line with objective reality, more important news to give the reader can build a correct understanding of the true colors of the frame reception time. if it is the lens of television news as information carrier, or by means of news text for the advertisement of news are the structural elements of time, by one shot or one word, fusion of words in a characteristic order to form the overall description of the time frame. However, the relation structure tells us that assorted combinations can produce alter meanings. like a nag, like Tian Ji , accommodate the order can also produce a qualitative bound, which is in Marxist philosophy in the second form of quantitative change to qualitative change. This text is intended to explain:
A. Implementation of the real news read by those who depend on wisdom, understanding
B. depends on the authenticity of news dominated by newspaper correspondents to grab
C. --- inner elements of the news is true and not representative of this news is true and
D. narrative structure of news stories the same time, the authenticity of the news
25, many students have parents let their children participate in various forms of cram schools on holiday, obviously on the customary education time in class, has chosen to be moved to the holidays time tuition and fares is considerable, the students do not is insufficient, this behavior although arbitrary collection of fees for such bad behavior, the local education sector itself is an eye, one eye closed. How can the Ministry of Education introduced the new
A. cram always forms of holiday greatly additions the burden of our students
B. New Office of chaos tutorial, ignore the action of peremptory charges
D. examination of contemporary teaching methods continue to be pedaled, not quality education
26. Wenchuan earthquake measured 7.8 beginning level, had a couple of days afterward, revised to 8.0, this is because after the earthquake as we get more information on the seismic record, not just domestic, including all aspects of international seismic data on the increase in the future, beyond accurate results. The resolve of the magnitude of various countries have difference is due to various state seismic network used by the different observations. Another cause for the earthquake magnitude and many different types, we measured 8.0 on the Richter is the surface wag magnitude, and rupture of the fault using the momentum and to determine the rupture length, and have the determination of seismic waves, called matrix level, types, given there are some differences between the diagrams. It is also often found in different countries are given the same magnitude of an earthquake causes a difference.
Based on the above text, altered to 8.0 importance earthquake the main ()
A. countries seismic web used by the differences
B. reconnaissance data using the mistake burst and the rupture width, etc. to the momentum is not measured The
C. Measurement of the earthquake gradually converge with the worldwide progressive technology to obtain us
D. an increase in the seismic data recorded, making the measurement more accurate
27. airborne particles apt disperse the sun luminous This is why the clear sky is blue. The representation of micro-red sunset, because the sun's rays via the atmosphere more long distance, so only the longer wavelength red light can reach in front of us. These inferior Volcanic ash was ejected into the atmosphere, the stratosphere, emulated at the wind to spread approximately the globe. expelled by the volcano's sulfur dioxide respond in the atmosphere to manner sulfate aerosols. The distinctive sulfate aerosols, tin the sun Set more to enhance this efficacy via barriers, so it is particularly the red sundown. The on detailing of the problem is namely the chief text:
A. airborne particles to disperse the sun shining so clear the sky arise blue color
B. ejected volcanic sulfur dioxide react in the atmosphere to form sulfate aerosols
C. Only the sun's rays in the longer wavelength red light can pass through the longer distances to reach our front
D. volcanic ejecta as sulfate aerosols, resulting in the formation of a unique sunset is particularly red
28, the famous physicist hopane disbursement is eliminate the risk of a disaster is being growing at an unprecedented rate, such as sudden global warming, nuclear war, genes of viruses or other peril. . and the other planets the size of the volume compared to the Earth have less surface area for living, for we live in an area of ​​very little. the author's main point is:
A. Earth have to live The surface zone is too small, poor ability to withstand the devastation
B. sudden global warming, nuclear campaign, virus or other risky menaces gene of human
C. If human beings can not be timely migration to other planets, it will inevitably was a catastrophe devastate life on Earth was
D. exclude the hazard of a disaster is growing at an unprecedented rate
29, the day before Mid-Autumn Festival is Saturday, we took her back to his rest family, she day a little trouble, dine, slumber, what may be horrified, especially her little courage, how to coax coax are not good, in fact to have kid before her husband did not like children, so irritated, when giving her a bath I forgot to close the window, and he loudly hurrahed to me: A. mother and daughter father and daughter C. Students D. B. couples
31, this year, a 80-year-old Zhao Z appeared to usher down the house, her most modish dress: wearing trendy sunglasses his brain is pearly peppery as a huge Hanamaki, face abrasive light facilities, but also erased the lipstick, is simply a fashionable pulchritude. In order to maintain a good reminder, Zhao grandmother had less portly, but not a diet, but through exercise, brisk walking each daytime wear high heels a pair of hours at night but also heaviness exercising exercise in bed. , we were startled to see that wearing a pair of feet in her pearly high heels, followed by up to 10 cm. Now, Granny Zhao's ;
the following statements best match the theme of the text of which is:
A. Zhao grandmother despite her age, but healthy, and never tired of the models show
B. Right immediately, the group is to participate in old models the elderly are more preferred form of discipline
C. A high-heeled shoes, the T station, when the prototype is not longer a young patent
D. For the retired, when the daily campaign is a good way to reside healthy
32, this year's National Day holiday, notwithstanding many of the items the outskirts of Beijing correction has been excellent, but most purchasers believe that prices are generally needy quality of housing, regional location is not ideal . Chibidaigou generally believe that within five rings of falling house prices is equitable opening, the future prices will be the callback, instead of buying patterns are not ideal, location is more real estate, it would be better to await for some time, so callback rates in area, then the price is attractive to choose their own housing satisfaction.
the most correct understanding of the text of which was:
A. real estate outside the Beijing rings generally poor quality, location more remote
B. Golden Week, Beijing does not appear to pick up real estate transactions anticipated
C. buyers proceed to lower prices for the Beijing fixed have more confidence in the suburbs of Beijing
D. Rates are plants in the next period of time remains in the doldrums
33, CERN launched recently in underground passages Large Hadron Collider, due to high-speed particle collision opened a series of experiments to explore the origin of the universe fans off. However, from the beginning of the experiment, the appearance world will be all sorts of alarmist triggered a series of catastrophic answer. In fact, several other particle physics experiments start, even before the first nuclear weapons test, the world is also filled with alike doomsday predictions. and human prophesied as early as end of the world for thousands of years will come. However, one by one, these predictions proved to be a prevaricate.
this text summary of the most suitable an is:
A. launch particle physics experiment, and each experiment has destroyed weapons world risk
B. CERN's Large Hadron Collider experiment to browse the origin of the universe opened the preface to the fans certified
C., each time before the start of physics experiments, the world is always filled with a great many doomsday predictions
D. In each experiment before the start of physics, the world is forever filled with a cloud of doomsday predictions
34, to consider the temperature of the general climate forecasts, pressure, temperature, sharpness and other factors, these are the outcome of changes in the atmosphere itself,shanghai escort, at all times the master of these factors, calculated by the microprocessor can accurately prophesy the weather trends. sandstorms as a special weather phenomena, also consider the weather factor. According to meteorologists thinking, strong winds brought chilly weather, pre-drought, the temperature rise is necessary for the formation of dust storm weather conditions. However, in counting, Some other special conditions. suspended in the wind of dust from the surface, the surface directly influence the casualty of dust storms.
primarily to explain the contents of this text is:
A. weather factors to consider
B. Causes sandstorm complex and special
C. sandstorm weather conditions necessary for the formation of dust storms
D. is a special weather phenomena
35, the last two years, as the international energy market productions prices continue to heave sharply, the manufacturing sector to heave production costs, making the highly competitive international market prices of assorted types of manufactured merchandise also began to gradually rise, prices began to pass from the upstream to downstream. At the same time, international commodity prices States began to pass up, especially in energy and agricultural prices rose sharply on the citizen consumer price concordance additional gradually generate significant character in promoting.
this text to emphasize that:
A. international commodity prices began to frequent States pass
B. Domestic amounts start from upstream to downstream contractors to pass the price of manufacturing
C. States secretary of consumer prices
D. international mart price of energy resources for servant consumption Price of
36, foot-binding is a way to control women, the feudal rulers would like to watch. from the theory is right, although, feet fastened to occur from its initial small-to three-foot- inches, with a quite long process, like Song, as only a mini Chande thinner feet, can not have any restrictions on women. leap feet women easily be controlled, the system is conducive to the stability of the dingy by the controversy, it should be this is the extreme popularity of the morbid-style foot-binding produced after.
the main point of this passage:
A. emerged from the initial foot-to small-to three-inch bound feet, a long history of experience Period
B. foot-created feudal rulers used to control women, to strengthen the cruel decree
C. regal feet wrapped around the phenomenon of the emergence and development, maybe some women in archaic customs of the pathological evolution of
D. first appeared bound feet might not be the real cause of the feudal rulers as a way to control women
Passage: BA is not the point, C beside the point backwards, said to be voluntary for women. D also said that counter- the
37, ecological culture is an increasingly serious ecological emergency in the environment of person movement in the sense of profound reflection on the intended goal of cultural change. Early in the 19th century, Engels on the vengeance for production prognoses of the vigilance of the natural world, and said: According to the methodology of historical materialism and ecological problems of the practical areas, ecological civilization, stuff and cultural progress should be the state of industrial civilization and agricultural civilization and form a rational sequence. This is the main content of the text:
A. Ecological Problems in fact, the relationship between man and nature, ecological and social problems closely narrated to the
B. social causes of ecological destruction is not aware of social union of production, blueprinted production and distribution of ecological civilization construction
C. , in fact, enhance environmental protection and promoting harmony between male and ecology
D. To solve the problem of ecological civilization construction, must return to U.S. scientists discovered in a sea bed some of the fossil footprints of paleontology through research, left these footprints dating behind 570 million years of biological, which has the world's first bio-life's legs forward 3000 years. scientists We once thought that the world before the Cambrian major may be just some of the existing biological and some simple single-celled animals. world science professor Loren Babock said: such as soft corals, animals, and the smooth section of bough can be legged insect fossil footprints of animals, the likelihood of the shove has been greatly cultivated.
A. Scientists deem that the Earth could not exist before the Cambrian biological
B. To be sure, 5.7 billion years ago, legs creatures live in the sea water Ediacaran World
C. century than during the Cambrian duration of time from the more distant today
D. Prior to this, on the legs and microbial biotechnology research is restricted and single-cell animal
39, Morgan Stanley expects the global automotive sales will decline 0.3% to 58.1 million, expected to be the beginning of the year increased by 3.5%. This will be the global automotive market, total sales for the first time since 2001's decline. Morgan Stanley also noted that China will remain the world this year The main donor to growth in car sales, but the competition will begin to increase, slit a delicate slowdown in growth has begun. Not long ago, Mazda joint venture companies in China's small car sales target to reduce by half the initial admission of goal setting is too tall, and the goal of Toyota vehicles in China this year difficult to achieve. China's domestic auto companies to reduce sales of up to 30% or more goals, along to this text, one of the following statements is wrong:
A. Morgan Stanley on the trend of this year's global vehicle sales forecast rise in the early fall
B. adjust the global car market this year will be the total sales volume since 2001, the first decline this year China will
C. is a major contributor to the global automotive consumer, but there will be negate growth in sales of China's domestic auto companies
D. and some joint ventures, favor auto companies, are starting to depress the bargains target
40, beautiful people do not have other can, because God is mean, he gave this to no longer give the other. So many people have naught looks handsome, they too gave up the pursuit of physical beauty and inner beauty. but then not all right, because Augustus, Griffith Pass, King Phillips, Al West end of Sri Lanka, have both a real man, but also a handsome man. carefully fine attach, preferably than physical beauty to the beauty of color, and elegant beauty and behavior prefer than physical beauty. the highest Beauty is the painter could not be fulfilled because it is difficult to intuitively, this is a wonderful beauty.
> A. beautiful to other people B. C. D. beauty interior beauty
Second, select the fill in the blank: A total of 20 questions to ask you four options from which to select a fill in the vacant, the meaning of the expression of the sentence was The most accurate
cases: at the peak of the right direction, whichever point in the initiative ought be patronized
A. _ and naturally respect the B. C. D. commended consideration
Answer: The the most precise signification of the expression, it began to be selected B.
please answer:
41, the party and government narratives with the masses, direct style, political style, gathering members and cadres for whom endorsement, which stood side, directly determine the popular support, but also determines whether the party and the people enduring.
A. relations embodied D. C. B. decided to contact
42, autumn is the most gorgeous season of Jiuzhaigou, chromatic leaves, the color forest reflected in the lake, the distant skies blue and Bi web, the expression of the most beauteous panoramic views.
A. still B. D. clean and bright and wash calm
43 C. , we can seethe Games in Beijing, is widely accustom in the construction of solar and other green vigor technologies, through the government, undertakings to partake to some extent, extended to the western district to address the problem of farmers and herdsmen living with energy, protect ecological surroundings in west.
A. C. Leadership D. B. guidance to navigate management
44, as science and technology in the rapidly growing popularity of rural areas in recent years, colossal number of famous local aptitude in rural areas. They both study hard and study hard spirit, and wealthy practical experience, a science uniform generation of new farmers.
A. B. emerge emerge C. D. outstanding in the world notable
45, preparing to quit, Premier Wen suddenly turned around and waved his right hand and this farewell mars of the county seat. Then he voicelessly looked around the county seat, and looked.
A. C. massive stable solemn B. D. dignified
46, this fellow is not only idea and extraordinary bravery, just this civilized is careful observation of entities, bluntly said, that's the behavior of superiors and subordinates.
A. close B. careful C. D. carefully fine honey
47, D. highlighted
48, the tiger is an animal, a strong sense of self-protection, particularly in the context of the brutal tiger .50 meters, it will be some operation, will at least stand up and not make human get closer to more than 20 meters.
A. B. attentive vigilant vigilant D. C. acute
49, the Falls unknown, this because people are not interested or they are not charming, because they are strategically located and difficult of remote , the passengers ambition to see the manner they had to become very difficult.
A. is no B. It is not only and no D. C. Not only but also
50, in the legal community, and the clash of amuse It does not stuff, the key is to be fair and impartial interests of the channels to solve this problem, the core point is that procedural righteousness.
A. Distribution B. C. Communication D. balanced game
51, if the U.S. fiscal markets that the first The Music B. immune C. D. unaffected ego as it
52, as the party's congress report concluded: is followed by the determination of the Chinese nation's great history of the original line, it some times, but also often full of the stormy sea.
A. rain and wind calm B. D. C. surging tempests
53, footprints; out, only to take photos . Follow the emphasis on obedience with note B. C. D. consensus emphasize esteem for opener
54, ① increased capital for not even the developers, the industry, most of the stages of the winter may not be coming.
② We often heard friends complain approximately social injustice, and tough. In fact, instead of complaining, as some soul.
A. coarse life capabilities fussy life skills B. C. D. merciless terrible act things doing things
55, ① Beijing, two for geography professor in the consistent pursuit of his reply, and summarized him on some Kaoyan paperbacks and studying.
② The mother also told us that the epoch of human physical meaning, in the modern materialistic utilitarian old, general long-lost sensibility; that is what we shriek today's world of money call million fact!
A. B. encouragement can not help but encourage a natural cotton compel halted C. D. ...Topics related articles:

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